This week on “Surrounded,” a show on the YouTube channel Jubilee, a group of 20 Trump supporters attempted to debate progressive political commentator Sam Seder. It did not go well for them! In fact, it went so poorly for them that Catturd and multiple other right-wing accounts on Xitter literally thought that Seder was the conservative and the idiots he was debating were the liberals.

Like in this charming clip of a MAGA guy claiming that federal agencies like the FDA pay taxes and get tax cuts when they do DEI.
Of course, some of them found a new dream girl. Matt Walsh, Jack Posobiec, Michael Knowles, Mike Cernovich and others all found themselves swooning over one Sarah Stock. Stock, who we might note was born in Canada, is not just some random MAGA gal, but a white supremacist/Christian nationalist “journalist” for Slightly Offensive, a site created by noted Holocaust denier Elijah Schaffer, who earlier this year called for the death penalty for women who have abortions, and who actually managed to get fired from Glenn Beck’s The Blaze for sexual harassment.
So, quality, quality person here.
A clip of Temu Lauren Southern defending “xenophobic nationalism” has since gone viral, due to both people horrified by what she said and those who thought she really nailed it.
The video is cued up to Stock’s part, but I highly recommend watching the whole thing, as it really provides a whole lot of insight into the depths to which these people actually understand what it is they profess to believe, or even the reality of the world we live in.
But back to Sarah Stock. Stock was meant to respond to Seder’s assertion that “Unless you’re a billionaire, a religious fundamentalist, or a xenophobic nationalist, voting for Trump was a mistake.” Like everyone else who responded, Stock chose to say that she was, in fact, some of those things and thinks that’s great — which, I supposed, proved Seder’s point.
Stock burst on the scene announcing that “I actually think that this Liberal World Order needs to be thrown away completely, and I think Christian Nationalism would be a good alternative,” before explaining that “it would be better for everybody” if abortion were banned, women were pulled out of the workforce, and divorce was also banned. Doesn’t that sound like a great time?
“What’s the problem with xenophobic nationalism? Don’t you think that’s better for Americans in general?” she asked.
“Xenophobic nationalism is better?” Seder responded, relatively stunned.
“Yes, we should have a coherent culture, everyone should be a part of the same culture, we should have assimilation.” Stock explained.
“Which … do you get to choose what the culture is?” Seder asked.
“We already have a dominant culture based on European and Christian values and identity. That is the dominant culture, it’s rooted in European identity,” she said. “That has been the dominant culture, and we’re not letting people assimilate to that, we’re saying, you should keep your culture and this is why our culture is so divided.”
Well, first off, I think some Europeans just might object a little to the idea of a singular European monoculture.
We’re not divided because we have different cultures, or different taste in books or movies or hobbies. We’re divided, frankly, into assholes and non-assholes. Those of us who are not assholes are able to enjoy the company of, and even relate to, people who are different from ourselves. Personally, the idea of a room full of me sounds both boring and exhausting. We also don’t want to see other people suffer in poverty or die from preventable illnesses. We have empathy and are not solipsists, which comes in handy for understanding that not everyone’s brain works the exact same way as our own — which, this series has made me realize, is not a thing everyone fully grasps. We are also capable of calming the fuck down and looking at verifiable facts, as opposed to making wild claims based on things we assume must be true.
Sarah Stock, on the other hand, is an asshole and a coward who is so devoid of any individual character that she desperately longs for a super creepy culture where everyone is the exact same.
That being said, if we were stuck with the “culture” of heterosexual Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, our “culture” would suck ass. It would be like, savory Jello “salads,” the Lawrence Welk show, and Vera Bradley bags all over. All of our best music, fashion, media, food, etc. comes directly from people who do not fit that mold. Black people, gay people, Jewish people, Latin people, Asian people, and even whites who immigrated here later, like Irish people, Italians, Greeks, and Eastern Europeans.
In a tweet clearly referencing her appearance on the show, Stock dropped what many on the Right seem to think is a real gotcha.
“When non-Europeans want to preserve their culture, it’s ‘stunning and brave,’” she wrote, adding, “When Europeans want to preserve their culture, it’s ‘xenophobia.’”

What a strange thing for a person who is not European to say! Especially one who has not had much in common with many Europeans since the mid-1940s.
People like this Sarah Stock person are absolutely free to live their own white Christian culture, free from the influence of non-white people, immigrants and the descendants thereof. She’s chosen a job at a place run by a white supremacist, and she can surround herself with exclusively white heterosexual people for the most part, live in an area that is practically all white, she can watch older television shows, she can listen to exclusively white music that is in no way influenced by the music of other cultures, and she can eat, I don’t know … crumpets with mayonnaise?
But that’s not what she wants. She wants to remake society, she wants to force other people who have no reason to give a flying shit about her to “assimilate” to whatever it is she thinks the culture is or should be, just so she feels more comfortable. She’s not just asking for basic respect, kindness and fairness, she’s asking for people to rearrange their entire lives, tastes, and religious beliefs to hers, because otherwise she cannot relate to them and that makes her feel like we’re all “divided.” This is not just vicious, it is fucking insane.
If she and her fellow Christian Nationalist pals wish to get to live in a white ethnostate theocracy, they are going to go someplace else for that. Maybe they can try and invade another country and see how that goes for them. Perhaps Elon Musk can buy them that Fyre Festival island or some other uninhabited island where they can live out their dream of homogeneity. But no one else is moving and no one else is going to “assimilate” to whatever it is she thinks the culture should be, because we all live here now and there are way the hell more of us than there are of her.

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#Whats #Problem #Xenophobic #Nationalism #Perfectly #Normal #Trump #Voter #Asks #Sam #Seder