Tory members would rather vote for Boris Johnson instead of Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak, poll finds

Clearly Johnson’s lies, law-breaking and trashing of the highest office in the land don’t matter much to the Tory party members.

A new poll of Tory party members has found that they would rather vote for Boris Johnson to continue as prime minister instead of voting for Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak to replace the law-breaking, lying charlatan.

The latest poll of Tory members, carried out by YouGov for the Times found that Liz Truss had extended her lead in the leadership race to over 34 points, with 60 per cent of party members now saying they will vote for the foreign secretary to succeed Johnson.

Just 26% per cent said they would support Sunak.

However, the survey of over 1,000 Tory party members also found that 53 percent of those asked believe that Conservative MPs and ministers were wrong to force Boris Johnson to resign.

If the members were given a choice between Johnson, Sunak and Truss, 40 per cent of them would vote for the prime minister to continue in office, 28 per cent would support Truss and only 23 per cent would back Sunak.

The survey of Tory members also showed that 51 per cent believe Sunak was wrong to step down as chancellor, compared with 40 per cent who think he was justified.

Clearly Johnson’s lies, law-breaking and trashing of the highest office in the land don’t matter much to the Tory party members.

Meanwhile, in a desperate bid to claw back support, Sunak is trying to appeal to Tory members by widening the definition of extremism to those who ‘vilify’ Britain.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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