Scotland’s Green Freeport bid secures heavy backing – Offshore Energies UK (OEUK)

Over 100 senior industry leaders, academics, politicians and business owners have signed a statement in support of the North East Scotland Green Freeport bid. The initiative will create 32,000 high-quality jobs and boost gross value added by £8.5bn over the next decade, they said July 13.

Signatories, including Ian Wood, the author of the influential Wood Report; and Sian Lloyd Rees, the head of Aker Offshore Wind’s UK operations, say that government support for the bid would reposition northeast Scotland as the net zero capital of Europe.

“There is now a unique opportunity to usher in a new era of accelerated regeneration,
decarbonisation, innovation and investment, creating 32,000 high quality jobs and
opportunities for those who need them most.

“We can be the focus and facilitator for the world in the energy transition and achieving carbon net zero, and also help our fabulous food and drink sector, particularly seafood, expand its reach further across the globe,” they said.

For more information, please see here.

North East Scotland Green Freeport launch (credit: Port of Aberdeen)

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