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Oh, Look! Another ‘Insurrection’: Trans Activist Mob Storms Iowa State Capitol Rotunda

    Say it with us, America: 

    ‘It’s (D)ifferent when (D)emocrats do it.’

    For years, the media has gaslit the country about January 6 being worse than Hiroshima, Pompeii, and the Black Plague combined, all the while turning a blind eye to the ‘peaceful protests’ from the George Floyd riots (Gwen Walz wife even opened the windows so she could savor the smell of her city burning), not to mention ignoring the violent antisemitic protests on college campuses which included beating and harassing Jewish students and staff. 

    We look forward to the dead legacy media also ‘pinkwashing’ events taking place today in Iowa where the legislature is set to vote on HF583, a significant amendment to the Iowa Civil Rights Act. The legislature plans to strip ‘gender identity’ from the law, which makes sense because there are only two sexes, which are already protected by the CRA, and ‘gender identity’ is about as real as unicorns. 

    To show their objection to the vote today, trans activist cultists calmly organized speeches at the public hearings for the vote and expressed their disagreement in a calm and ordered fashion. 

    Just kidding. They stormed the Iowa Capitol … and we’re pretty sure they weren’t escorted inside by police as many of the J6ers were. 

    At the time of this writing, there were no violent outbreaks at the protest (then again, there weren’t any inside the U.S. Capitol either), but we can’t rule out the possibility before the day is done. On Monday this week, trans activists also staged a protest in which two people were arrested by state troopers.


    Here are some more pictures and videos from the protest today: 

    The words being chanted are the Iowa state motto, ‘Our liberties we prize, our rights we will maintain.’ 

    Can someone please tell them that no one is taking away any of their rights? They are already protected under the existing CRA, which was passed in 1965, although the fictional ‘gender identity’ was not added to the law until 2007 when Democrats held the Senate, General Assembly, and Governorship. 

    Also, we need a new law across all 50 states that demands that no one can be masked at a protest. 

    One of the dumbest people on the Internet, Brian Krassenstein, tried to claim that these protesters were doing nothing wrong. 

    This tweet didn’t go so well for him. 

    It’s true. He wanted them all locked up forever. Even the vast majority of J6 protesters who did nothing but take a quiet stroll around the Capitol Rotunda, often escorted by Capitol Police. 

    HA. Kudos for the Team America: World Police reference.

    Returning to people with functioning brains, many noticed the double standard. 

    Leftist rules, not ours. But they should be forced to play by them. 

    That’s a wonderful map. Someone should show it to Ann Selzer. 

    And yes, it’s more than likely — almost a certainty — that many of them are from out of state, paid ectors funded by ActBlue or similar organizations. 

    The organizers surely were. 

    Mythical animals at Hogwarts are more connected to reality. 

    LOL. ‘Transurrection.’ We like that one. 

    As we noted, we haven’t seen any reports of violence today. But as with most events involving TRAs, we always have to qualify that with the word ‘yet.’

    We hope it stays this way, but with the unstable gender cult, you just never know. 

    Ultimately, the protests will be futile. Iowa not only has a Republican governor in Kim Reynolds, but Republicans also currently hold two-thirds majorities in both the House and the Senate. 

    The change to Iowa’s Civil Rights Act, justified and long overdue, is expected to pass the legislature easily today and be signed into law quickly by Reynolds. 

    But that won’t stop us from pointing out leftist hypocrisy and double standards regarding ‘insurrections’ whenever we see them. (Article Sourced Website)

    #Insurrection #Trans #Activist #Mob #Storms #Iowa #State #Capitol #Rotunda