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Monday Morning Meme Madness

    Good morning, fellow Monday sufferers! The dreaded first day of the work week is here once again.

    Let’s fight through weekend withdrawal together with some of the funniest memes, jokes, and clips to cross our timelines this week!

    Yeah, yeah, yeah … we know.

    Monday is the day when you’re not yet at peak performance for the week. Sort of like …

    ‘When I get high, almost peed’. LOL!

    HA! We wish.

    (Language Warning)

    That one dude beaned her with the groceries. 😂

    LOLOLOL! We laughed way too hard at that one.

    Larry Bird in 1956. 😂

    Otherwise known as ‘Feeling the Bern’.

    HAHA! Nice.


    We know you laughed at that one.

    LOL! Who thinks these things up? 😂


    We don’t see the problem here.

    (Language Warning)

    Mom didn’t hesitate. She even had a plate of food there. 😂

    Oh, no, Penguin! You’re killing us! 💀💀💀

    This is what happens when you put a bunch of men together. LOL.

    Guys … we may have had a … umm … small laugh at that one.

    Well done!

    We all know that guy.

    That is just wrong! 😂

    (Language Warning)

    Ha! Sorry California friends!

    He totally nailed it! What a talent!

    You can tell who played kickball or dodgeball in the 80’s or 90’s and who didn’t. 😂


    … especially on Monday.

    Definitely untrained. 😂

    100%. Let us know in the comments if you experienced this growing up.


    Wow, that’s a dark one. 😂😂😂

    HAHAHA! Get yourselves one who can make apple butter, fellas!

    That’s impressive. 😂

    Y’all had some strong dad joke game this week.

    Poor kids! Yes, we laughed at them. 😂

    This is how it’s done.


    We hope we give you at least 2 minutes of laughs!

    Same, bro. We’ll definitely make fun of them, but Hollywood just doesn’t produce much value these days.

    Twitter/X users, on the other hand …


    Okay, that’s pretty darn good for Saturday Night Live. 😂

    This won’t end well. 😂

    For our comedy blast from the past this week, check out Drew Carey’s debut with Johnny Carson.

    Drew’s a funny man. We absolutely loved Whose Line Is It Anyway?

    Here’s to hoping your Monday fares better than a GenXer’s Social Security Card!

    That’s gonna do it for us this week. As always, we’ll be back when the next evil Monday rears its ugly head for more laughs with all our Twitchy friends!

    Until we meme again … (Article Sourced Website)

    #Monday #Morning #Meme #Madness