First get connected to your remote sever via service like putty. After logged in to your server flow the steps given below.

1 . Set up remote desktop and access your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. Tho know how to click here

2. Install Wine to your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. To know how to click here (Wine is necessary for Otohits not for Hitleap)

3. Install zip unzip if it is not installed. Commands are below:

sudo apt-get install zip unzip

To unzip or extract zip file use command unzip filename

To extract tar.xz file use command tar -xf filename

4. Install some apps using below commands

  • sudo apt-get install curl
  • sudo apt-get install libcanberra-gtk-module
  • sudo apt-get install libxss1

5. Install Firefox : sudo apt-get install firefox

6. Get connect to your Ubuntu 16.04 server via remote desktop connection of Windows OS. Use your server’s username and password.

7. Open firefox browser.

8. Login to your Otohits account and open Applications page.

9. Click on See { V3.1 -Windows (legacy) Old Windows version (for XP and Vista) }.

10. Download V3.1 -Desktop ( The good old classic, for a simple daily surf. )

11. Find the downloaded file and unzip the file. (See Point 3 & use terminal). Generally file download to /root/Downloads. This will create Otohits.exe on desktop or Downloads.

12. Right click on Otohits.exe and open with Winetricks. After this follow the installation and run the application.

13. Login to application by special user id and password. You will find this on your Otohits application page. Normal user id and password of your Otohits account will not work. Make sure there no space while putting user id and password into column. Now its done for Otohits.

14. To run Hitleap on your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS log on to your Hitleap account on firefox browser and click on Earn Traffic.

15 . Download Hitleap Viewer file for Ubuntu 16.04 . This will show Hitleap zip file into Downloads folder. Change file name to only Hitleap and extract the file (See point 3). Open Hitleap Viewer app and Login with your Hitleap account’s user id and password. Enjoy the traffic.

To learn how to earn free traffic click here

To create account on Otohits click here

To create account on Hitleap click here