Process For Guest Posting

  1. Register to the website.
  2. Click Here after logging in.
  3. Submit your article on the website.
  4. Make a payment once approved.
  5. Once receive payment we will process your request.
  6. We will review your article and publish it within 3 to 5 Days.

Guidelines for Guest Posting

1. Always use Unique and Fresh Content.

2. Don’t submit duplicate content, We will delete your all posts and block your ID.

3.  You can add a Featured Image, and share only one link of the image (Size – Width:- 600, Height:- 500)

5. Word Limit for posting content is 1000 words.

6. Your DA should be 20+ and SS should be under 5, if you want to add your link on our website.

7. Please add one internal link to the post. It’s necessary to live your article.

8.  Please don’t post 18+ content & Images, We will block your Email ID.

9. Please choose a Good Title for your post, so that it can attract more visitors.

10. while sending content, please add keywords in your content, so that your post can easily rank.

11. If your Post is against our Guidelines, then we have the authority to modify and delete your post.

12. Before submitting the article, please check your content quality at any plagiarism checker website.

14. We allow only 2 do-follow links in a single guest post.

15.  Please note, if Payment is not made. We would not publish your post.

16. Infographics or syndicated content is not allowed.

17. Only English and Grammatically correct content is allowed.

18. We may delete your article if we find any site performance, bad reputation, and any other issues like copyright and illegal or mortal.

Kindly contact us for the price.