Now days every one want to promote their websites. It is possible for those who can spend dollars or can purchase hits for their websites or blogs but what about those who can not spend dollars or could not buy traffic for their websites or blogs. Well do not get disappointed because you are going to learn how to get free traffic for your website or blog. What you need to do just read  complete blog and follow the instructions.  

In this world nothing is free. In the ancient time when currency was not introduced people use barter system for their daily needs. These days some websites are doing business into same manner for mutual benefits. We are going to discuss about some traffic exchange websites through which you can earn unlimited traffic for your website or blog. You not need to sit and work for this. Your laptop or desktop will work automatic and earn traffic for you. These sites will view some websites through their software on your computer and in return they will give you hits for your website or blog.

Watch Video Tutorial For Same Click Here

Minimum Requirements: 
1. Laptop or desktop with operating system windows xp/7/8/8.1/10 or windows server 2008.
2. Good internet connection.
3. Installation and running one software given by website and Microsoft Visual C++ 2017.

Traffic Exchange Websites:

1. HitLeap         
2. BigHits4u     
3. Otohits         

Steps For Starting:

Step 1. Click the above links and open websites.

Step 2.  Sign up by clicking signup or register now button and fill the form.

Step 3: Now sign in. Download and install software by clicking on earn traffic or applications. 

Step 4: Now run software on your computer and earn traffic for your website or blog.

Step 5: Add your website’s URL to the traffic exchange website to get hits by clicking on my websites or sites.

Now you have done. Keep running application on your system and earn traffic. You can set hits for your site on daily basis. Set application on automatic start and randomly delete temp files of your system if system getting slow. You can buy traffic if you want. If you like this blog kindly share this information on your FB, Twitter and Youtube. 

For Better Understanding Watch Video Click Here