The much talked about Ajay Devgn starrer Drishyam 2 was released a while back. Also starring Akshaye Khanna, Tabu, and Shreya Saran the film, which opened on a strong note, witnessed immense growth in business as the days progress. Hitting 4150 screens (domestic 3302 screens + overseas 858+ screens) worldwide the business of the film received a massive boost with the wide release pattern. This coupled with the positive feedback from the audience and critics alike worked wonders for the business of Drishyam 2. Now, after its second weekend running, Drishyam 2 has managed to cross the Rs. 200 cr mark at the worldwide box office.
Collecting a staggering Rs. 171.31 cr gross within the domestic market and a further Rs. 37.83 cr gross from the overseas markets the total worldwide collections of Drishyam 2 stands at a staggering Rs. 209.14 cr. With this, Drishyam 2 has now become the fifth release of 2022 that has managed to accomplish this feat. In fact, crossing the Rs. 200 cr mark in just 10 days Drishyam 2 now stnds as the second fastest release to achieve this feat after KGF – Chapter 2, which accomplished this in just 5 days. If that was not enough, Drishyam 2 now shares the spot as the second fastest Rs. 200 cr grosser with the Ranbir Kapoor – Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra, which took 10 days to cross the Rs. 200 cr mark.
Currently, Drishyam 2 continues to rule the box office, despite facing stiff competition from the new release Bhediya. As things currently stand, Drishyam 2, which still enjoys the audiences’ favour, is expected to see its business grow considerably over its second week running. In fact, trade predictions claim that the business of Drishyam 2 could even cross the Rs. 250 cr mark by the end of its second week.
Drishyam 2 Worldwide Box Office at a glance:
India Nett: Rs. 143.90 cr
India Gross: Rs. 171.31 cr
Overseas Gross: Rs. 37.83 cr
Total Worldwide Gross: Rs. 209.14 cr