Can LED Light Therapy Truly Deliver "Fountain of Youth" Skin Benefits? Here's What Experts Say

Can LED Light Therapy Truly Deliver “Fountain of Youth” Skin Benefits? Here’s What Experts Say

If you’ve been on Instagram lately, I’m sure you’ve come across a photo of someone wearing a futuristic-looking LED face mask. I’ve been seeing these high-tech beauty tools everywhere lately, and so many people rave about the positive effects that they can have on the skin. However, after having a look online, I quickly realized that these masks aren’t cheap. In fact, some can set you back hundreds of dollars, so I wanted to find out what, exactly, I’d be getting for this kind of money.

As a beauty editor, I’m lucky enough to speak to industry experts daily, so I decided to reach out to Raj Arora, MD, NHS doctor and key opinion leader for Foreo, and Maryam Zamani, MD oculoplastic surgeon and founder of MZ Skin, to find out everything there is to know about LED therapy, including how these at-home masks actually work. Keep scrolling to learn whether or not LED light therapy can truly deliver “fountain of youth” skin benefits.

What Is LED Light Therapy?

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