If you grew up being told overpopulation would wipe out humanity through famine in the 1970’s, a new ice age would turn Europe into Siberia by 2000, acid rain would kill all the life in lakes, greenhouse gases and rising seas would destroy nations by 2000, part of New York would be underwater by 2019, and the world would end by 2031 (according to renowned scientist AOC) … and you inexplicably don’t believe in the coming climate apocalypse today … Joe Biden thinks you’re dumb.
That’s right, Joe Biden, who thinks Hunter Biden is the smartest man he knows, thinks we’re the dumb ones.
“Nobody can deny the impact of climate crisis. Nobody intelligent can deny the impact of a climate crisis anymore.”
Joe Biden turns his visit to Florida into a lecture on climate change. pic.twitter.com/OepCXBAZz4
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 2, 2023
Joe Biden couldn’t sniff his way out of a wet paper bag if they gave him a GPS, a guide dog, and left him a scent trail from the hair of Congress members’ daughters.
But, yeah, we’re all unintelligent for recognizing a scam we’ve watched play out our entire lives.
As you might have guessed, the people of XTwitter had some thoughts for President Decency.
— Glimmer (@Glimmer2468) September 2, 2023
To be fair, most of the hurricanes through 1864 were the result of racism.
Hey, I got an idea.
Let’s ask Biden to speak extemporaneously — no pre-written speech on a prompter — for, oh I don’t know, 5 minutes about the “impact of the climate crisis.”
After that, we’ll evaluate who is intelligent and not.
You game, Joe? You know what day it is?
— Ultra Grateful Calvin 🇺🇸🐶🏒 🎶 (@shoveitjack) September 2, 2023
Now there’s a … dare we say … intelligent idea.
He’d be thanking the people of Iowa for supporting his senate race within 30 seconds.
Glad DeSantis didn’t join this platform for climate change
— Judy Keen, #TeamSanity, #DeSantis2024 (@jkzoie) September 2, 2023
Shame on DeSantis for not participating in Joe Biden using Florida to push climate alarmism!
“Smart people give me all their money so I can fix the climate.”
— Just One Strawman (@JustOneStrawman) September 2, 2023
Biden goes down to Florida after a hurricane that was peanuts compared to a ton that have hit the state over the last few decades and tells everyone they’re stupid if they don’t blame cow farts for it.
It’s beautiful. Love seeing his legendary empathy at work. https://t.co/YeE7HNpZ2k
— Oilfield Rando (@Oilfield_Rando) September 2, 2023
Cows be like …
So, hurricanes happen every year and their is a season named for the phenomena, “Hurricane Season,” some years we get many, some years few. It’s not climate change when it happens annually. And if hurricanes disappeared wouldn’t that too be climate change?
— Juno Who (@Junowhotoo) September 2, 2023
‘Hurricane Season’, you say? Big, if true.
I deny it.
— Kev (@I98Kev) September 2, 2023
Same, bro.
The first time in history a hurricane has hit Florida
— Lewis Amselem (@TheDiplomad) September 2, 2023
You all can tell your grandchildren stories about where you were when the first hurricane hit Florida.
Then he got back in his huge motorcade to get on a personal 747 after a photo op. https://t.co/335aYNc802
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) September 2, 2023
— Donna Marie (@sabback) September 2, 2023
It really do be like that. LOL.
— lisamarie (@Lisa_from_SoCal) September 2, 2023
Joe Biden lecturing us on what we should consider intelligent just had me actually laugh out loud lol
— Kage Spatz (@KageSpatz) September 2, 2023
Yep, we couldn’t even take offense. It was just too funny.
I’m surprised that he didn’t talk about that time his house almost flooded. You remember when the fire department put out the kitchen fire. The one that almost took his prized corvette.
— George G (@glgilles) September 2, 2023
‘Hello, my fellow hurricane victims.’
This will offend the extremists but it doesn’t matter. He’s right. Biden is spot on here. We should not be holding back to appease the conspiracy theorists and President Biden knows that. This is a great quote! https://t.co/XRwolHaSJu
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) September 2, 2023
Gullible target identified.
“I also convened my entire cabinet as part of a whole of government response, and that response is to increase the number and intensity of the extreme weather events.”
Biden either misread his notes or he believes the government is controlling the weather. Telling on himself? https://t.co/neSHdBuRbG
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) September 2, 2023
May we remind you that a man who can barely read just called you dumb? LOL.
At least we have our answer to solving extreme weather events: We just need to get rid of the Biden administration.
He just called anyone who is skeptical about the nature of climate change unintelligent. Some of the most brilliant thinkers and scientists in the world are skeptical. He’s got to go… https://t.co/zdqEE4fSru
— kkkkt (@grandmareason) September 2, 2023
It’s the Joe Biden playbook. He used the same tactics with COVID.
Liberals ALWAYS make everything political. They climb on top of still-warm bodies to advance gun control, and they stand in front of wrecked homes, claiming global warming. https://t.co/lD0u9qXsOv
— WearingMyMask (@JonathanAEvers) September 2, 2023
‘You never let a serious crisis go to waste.’ — Rahm Emanuel
It’s true. Climate change policies have hurt people around the world.
— Mister Retrops (@_retrops) September 2, 2023
Nailed it.
At least it wasn’t a Corn Pop story 🤡 https://t.co/mRPoGHgmB5
— JanaKayS (@JanaKayS2022) September 2, 2023
There’s always an optimist. We need more optimists.
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