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How to Change Your Life in a Few Minutes Every Morning | The Skinny Confidential

    Today Erika Polsinelli is back on the blog today. You may remember her from this post all about Kundalini yoga.

    Erika is the founder of Evolve by Erika. She started the meditation community after breathwork and meditating helped ease her anxiety and panic attacks. I’m sure many of us can relate.

    Today she is here to tell us how these practices helped her in just a few minutes a day. She’s also giving us 3 quick and easy practices you can do while you’re still in bed to change the trajectory of your entire day, and life.

    With that, let’s welcome Erika back to the blog.


    The Way You Start Your Day Can Change The Trajectory of Your Life

    Hi TSC readers! I’m Erika Polsinelli, founder of Evolve by Erika, a meditation community that offers life-changing practices to thousands of people worldwide via Evolve by Erika the app. Throughout my life, I struggled with anxiety, lived in a constant fight-or-flight mode, and experienced many panic attacks. I used to pray for something that could help me achieve even one minute of calmness each day. And I finally found that through my practice. After the huge shifts and endless benefits, I began to experience, I knew I had to share this far and wide.

    Shifts After Incorporating a Daily Morning Meditation Practice

    This practice isn’t like any other meditation. It consists of ALL the ways of moving energy, which makes it powerful, potent, and immediately effective. It’s inspired by the foundations of Kundalini and incorporates breathwork, movement, mantra/sound, and meditation. The first time I tried it, I tuned into a 5-minute meditation and literally felt like I just had an orgasm. Every muscle in my body released and relaxed, and my mind was finally quiet. I felt a sense of calm and ecstasy that I had never experienced before. So, I decided to commit to this practice for 5 minutes each morning.

    The effects have been tremendous, and I could go on and on about what has shifted. But today, I want to focus on the energy that gets amplified when we have a powerful morning practice, versus what gets amplified when we don’t. We now are aware that our thoughts create our reality. But to boil this down a bit further, our frequency creates our thoughts. We are energetic beings and depending on our frequency, we can hold different thoughts. When we raise our frequency we are capable of holding higher frequency, more expansive thoughts.

    The Energy Amplified Through a Powerful Morning Practice

    When we wake up in the morning, our hormones are transitioning from sleep to wakefulness. This is a powerful time to take control of our energy. As we wake up and our hormones shift, we have the opportunity to organize our thoughts, energy, and emotions. Taking time to connect to our breath clears our mind, helps us move out of a state of fear, and allows us to trust the energy of our day. It primes our nervous system to handle whatever may come our way throughout the day.

    Personally, I’ve noticed what gets amplified when I have a strong, dedicated morning practice:

    We naturally adopt a more positive mindset. Meditation and breathwork help create new neural pathways that encourage positive thinking. This opens us to the energy of abundance, rather than scarcity. By thinking more positively, we’re better able to recognize aligned opportunities and attract them into our lives. We actually can hold more positive and expansive thoughts rather than more limited one that we may have been conditioned to believe in the past.

    We feel more settled and confident. With a calmer nervous system, we trust where we are in the present moment. It allows us to tap into our creativity—being able to flow rather than force anything. A morning meditation practice helps us access the “home” within our body. When we feel safe within ourselves, this sense of security ripples out into all of our relationships as well.

    Take action towards your most aligned life. Spending time connecting to yourself in the morning, it helps you to get clear; get clear on who you are and what you want. As you tune in, your intuition begins to activate and strengthen. This is truly our 6th sense that we ALL have access to. As we strengthen our intuition, we become more aligned with our soul. We begin to just know what is for us, and what isn’t. Life becomes more efficient. We begin to wake up to the idea that we are the co-creator of our life and we have all that we need within us to create the life we want.

    The Energy Amplified When We Skip Our Morning Meditation Practice

    When we wake up without a grounding practice, we’re more likely to experience a quick surge of cortisol. We place ourselves in a more reactive state, rather than proactively commanding our energy. We all know what it feels like to wake up feeling behind or late. Suddenly, emails start pouring in, or we become overwhelmed by everything we need to do to get ready for the day. Our body responds to this energy, and our behavior follows suit.

    Without that grounding, it’s easier to fall into self-doubt, fear-based thinking, and “what if” loops. We might get stuck in anxious thought patterns or comparison traps. It becomes harder to connect to trust and a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves if we haven’t established that energy flow first thing in the morning.

    The Good News: You Only Need a Few Minutes

    The great news is that you only need to start with 3 minutes of breathwork or meditation to feel instant benefits—and long-term ones, too. Here are some practices you can try. You may be very surprised by the shift you feel after implementing these short yet effective meditations.

    Grounding Meditation

    Wake up, and before getting out of bed, sit up with a straight spine and begin to connect to your breath. As you inhale, feel your entire body fill with breath, and as you exhale, feel your body contract and center. Visualize filling your body with the energy you desire—whether it’s health, gratitude, high energy, focus, or patience. On your exhale, visualize anything from yesterday releasing. Take a moment to reflect on what you are grateful for before starting your day. Welcome that energy of gratitude into your body.

    Manifesting Visualization

    Upon waking, sit up in bed or on the floor. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Begin breathing deeply through the nose, filling your body with long, slow breaths. As you exhale, make a humming sound in the back of your throat. As you continue breathing, visualize yourself moving through your day. What does your day look like? What does it feel like? What thoughts are you thinking? Who are you connecting with? What habits do you embrace? Which habits do you release? How do you feel by the end of the day? What opportunities and blessings will you experience?

    Once you’ve mentally rehearsed your day, take a moment to feel a deep sense of gratitude for all that you visualized—as if it has already happened.

    Energy + Stress Relief Breath

    Sit down with a straight spine. Rub your palms together to activate energy. Hover your hands over any part of your body where you’d like to dissolve stress or tension. Then relax your hands onto your lap and begin 8 segmented breaths—inhaling through the nose as if taking 8 sniffs, and then exhaling through the nose in one long breath. Repeat until you feel energy and calmness in your body. Once finished, take a deep breath in, hold it, and then release with a big exhale. Repeat this 3 times.

    There is a breathwork practice for any intention, whether you want to energize, calm your mind, or clear past emotions. The power is right at your fingertips with just your breath.

    Our breath is our greatest tool. Take control of your breath, and you take control of your thoughts, energy, and life.


    We’re so excited to try these practices every morning. Anything to start the day cool, calm and collected.

    If you’re someone who finds it hard to get into meditation and ‘sit still’ give Erika’s quick methods a try and a be sure to check out her app here.

    x, The Skinny Confidential team.

    + More benefits of morning meditation.

    ++ Lauryn’s exact meditation routine. (Article Sourced Website)

    #Change #Life #Minutes #Morning #Skinny #Confidential