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IRL ‘Orphan’ Natalia Grace Accuses Adoptive Parents Of Shocking Abuse – Details – Perez Hilton

    [Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

    A premiere date has finally been decided upon for the much anticipated ID interview The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks — and she has A LOT to say.

    In case you need a refresher, Ukrainian orphan Natalia Grace Barnett‘s story inspired the Warner Bros movie series The Orphan, which follows the story of a grown woman pretending to be a young girl in order to get adopted by a family. In the films, the girl — named Esther — wreaks havoc upon the family and turns their lives into a horror show. The real story, however, is much different, according to the girl who lived it.

    Natalia was accused by her adoptive parents Michael and Kristine Barnett of being a grown woman when they adopted her. Her story first started making waves when her parents changed her birthdate to make her much older, under the belief that she was really a grown woman in her 20s out to kill them. At the time, they were arrested for child neglect, but the charges were dropped.

    Now, the young woman who is believed to be in her 20s at the present time due to DNA tests and dental records, is finally telling HER side of the story. And it’s a very, very sad one.

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    In a preview obtained by TooFab, Natalia claims this whole thing started because shortly after being adopted, Kristine noticed the young girl had pubic hair:

    “The first night Kristine gave me a bath and she never mentioned anything to me about pubic hair or anything like that. I didn’t know what that was. I was 6, about to be 7, I didn’t know. I don’t know why they said what they’ve said. I don’t remember Michael ever coming into the bathroom. I just remember Kristine helping me get dressed and getting ready to go to bed. I don’t understand why the Barnetts would say I have public hair or anything like that. I didn’t start noticing any hair until I was like 7, almost 8. But that doesn’t mean that I’m this big monster. I was still a kid. Some kids start early, that’s what happens.”

    How embarrassing! And what a wild conclusion to come to after learning your child’s body is developing!

    In the interview, the young woman also reacted to her adoptive father’s claims that she had started her period but was “hiding” it. He once said she “wipes it up off the leg, eats it and licks it so nobody would ever find out” — to which Natalia was filled with disgust to hear about:”>

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