MONTH OF September
September is a period of ripening, one that’s getting you ready for a shift into your next year of life—and the people who will share your inner circle. The Sun is in Virgo and your communal eleventh house until September 23. Take stock: Who are the people around you? Begin accepting applications for the Scorpio dream team, then add some savvy new members in the second half of the month.
There’s no need to rush the process; just begin it. There will be SIX planets in powered-down retrograde this month, which will demand a few workarounds anyhow. Until September 3, magnetic Venus is wrapping up a six-week retrograde in Leo and your career house. (Silver lining: Once Venus turns direct, it will stay in Leo until October 8, making up for lost time with major professional potency!)
On top of that, Mercury, the ruler of communication, technology and travel, is retrograde in Virgo until September 15. And essentially all month long, the slow-moving outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and your ruler Pluto) will be retrograde. Translation: Take your time, review the opportunities, but hold off on saying a firm “yes” to anything if you still feel uncertain. The more research and diligence you can do, the better.
What do you need to release before your birthday? On September 23, the Sun shifts into Libra and your twelfth house of surrender. As you inch toward a fresh trip around the Sun during Scorpio season (a month from now), clear the decks. Take stock of the people who drain you and any obligations that are past their prime.
The September 29 Aries full supermoon is an ideal moment to clean house, literally and metaphorically. Open up that space for supporters who truly have your best interests and growth in mind!
It’s Virgo season until September 23
Who says summer fun has to end? Do your part to keep it flowing, at least for the first three weeks of this month. With the Sun in Virgo heating up your eleventh house of friendships and group activity until September 23, you’re not fully ready for pumpkin spice season. But if anyone’s up for a last-call barbecue or a late-summer walk on the beach, count you in.
Use this outgoing energy burst to network and reconnect with people you haven’t seen for the last couple months. Play social director and organize brunches, hikes or picnics, and RSVP yes to any intriguing invites, whether it’s a casual party or a networking event. You never know who you’ll meet this month, Scorpio, so don’t be modest when people ask, “What do you do?” Synergies could spark that will be well worth exploring.
But…Mercury is retrograde in Virgo until September 15
There is one caveat to Scorpio season this year. Communication planet Mercury is retrograde from August 23 to September 15, a tricky cycle that can make technology, travel and interpersonal matters go haywire. Mercury will backstroke through Virgo and your collaborative eleventh house, making group dynamics dicey. Watch what you post on social media—or better yet, take a break from it. Hold off on buying new electronic equipment and triple-check your travel reservations. While you’re at it, back up your data and devices.
Retrogrades connect us to our past, so there IS a silver lining. You could joyously reconnect with an old group of friends or get involved with a sidelined social justice cause. Politics are also ruled by the eleventh house: How could you help out with a voter registration drive if you’re in the U.S.? If things have gotten tense with anyone in your circle, use this reflective cycle to cut through the drama and get back on the same page.
Jupiter turns retrograde in Taurus on September 4
Twosome trouble? A relationship that’s been picking up speed since mid-May might cool down or hit a pothole. From today until December 30, lucky Jupiter spins retrograde (backward) in Taurus, pumping the brakes in your seventh house of one-on-one partnerships. Whether for business, friendship or romance, you could have second thoughts about the direction things are going. With all five of the slow-moving outer planets now retrograde, a sensible step back can help you evaluate progress from a measured POV.
Perhaps you were moving full steam ahead on a commitment, or maybe you and a business associate were exploring a whole new world of partnership possibilities. During this cosmic pause, don’t lose faith! The delays that happen now—such as a partner traveling, or being otherwise less available—can actually give you some much-needed reflection time. The benefits of this growth spurt are substantial for sure, but they might also be overwhelming.
Take it easy now, and rest assured that you’ll be powering forward—with a wiser perspective—after December 30. That’s when Jupiter turns direct and resumes its adventurous tour in this commitment-oriented zone of your chart until May 25, 2024. Dynamic duos (re)unite!
The September 14 Virgo new moon spotlights a team victory
Collaborate for the win! The September 14 Virgo new moon is an especially opportune day to get out and mingle with like-minded trailblazers. Since the eleventh house rules technology, this could be a great launch date for a social media or email campaign or big announcements to your virtual community. Share one of your best ideas on your feeds or pitch that concept you’ve been quietly developing behind the scenes. Someone in your network could make a priceless introduction, or you could reach out to an influencer who loves your ideas.
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Bonus points: This new moon forms an exact trine to changemaker Uranus in your partnership zone. Someone could surprise you with a proposal (business or romantic). Or you could meet someone out of the blue who has real-deal potential. Explore, even if they’re wildly different from your usual type! With tech-savvy Uranus in the mix, you could find this kindred spirit through a digital platform, whether it’s a dating app or your social media DMs.
The Sun enters Libra September 23
Slip away from ALL of it starting September 22, when the Sun sinks into Libra and your twelfth house of rest, closure and endings. Use the month leading up to Scorpio season (and your birthday!) to handle any unfinished business and catch up on R&R. You’ll want to be at your best when your solar calendar resets four weeks from now so you can start a new year of life without any unresolved business hanging over your head. Identify draining commitments and relationships, and either extract yourself or work out an arrangement that doesn’t zap your life force energy.
With energizer Mars also in Libra all month and until October 12, you could be both wired and tired. Pace yourself. Your creativity will be dialed up, so tap into it through journaling, meditation or any artistic expression that calls to you. Listening to transcendent music or guided meditations can transport you to a higher plane, connecting you deeply to your intuition. Take advantage of this cycle to receive powerful messages from the universe!
The Aries full supermoon on September 29
There’s one day during Libra season that yourclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” mind will be especially clear and sharp. That’s September 29, when the Aries full supermoon beams into your analytical sixth house of health and organization. Take stock of your systems and habits. Recommit to healthy eating and regular movement; book those overdue checkups.
The sixth house rules employees, making this a perfect time to upgrade Team Scorpio. You could hire (or fire) a service provider or find a great new right-hand person, whether for work or to help your life run smoothly with babysitting, housecleaning or tech support. If you’re in need of some extra cash, la luna could deliver the perfect bridge job or side hustle that will help you play catch-up.
Do your skills need a boost? Try an online course or a short certification workshop that will get you market-ready for the next level of growth. Putting in the time now could pay off in the weeks and months to come. Look back to the twin Aries new moons from earlier this year (March 21 and April 20) for clues of what could manifest now.
A little fantasy goes a long way this September! With sexy Mars quixotic Libra and your dreamy twelfth house all month, it may be hard to pull you down off romantic cloud nine and back onto terra firma. You could have slipped your “love goggles” on so tightly you can’t seem to remove them.
Passionate Mars, your co-ruler, is in residence here all month (until October 12), which turns up the heat on those steamy daydreams but can also lead you into temptation—or dicey codependent waters. You’ll have to watch yourself closely so you don’t get caught in a riptide of unhealthy emotions. Being supportive of your significant other is admirable, but doing their heavy lifting or putting up with unsavory behavior is a no-go.
If you’ve struggled to figure out a definitive next step for your love life this summer, fear not. On September 3, love planet Venus it wraps up a challenging six-week backspin that began on July 22. Over the summer, coupled Scorpios may have clashed over future plans, or felt pressured about long-term commitments. An unrealistic fantasy about someone you had hoisted on a pedestal could have plagued you.
The retrograde may have also sparked a reunion with an ex—and if you two still weren’t in sync, maybe it helped put those longings to bed once and for all. Since the tenth house rules fathers, some old “daddy issues” likely reared up in your love life, too. Were you rebelling against your buried ideas of what a partnership should be, or reacting to what a male/father figure did (or didn’t) do? With Venus retrograde, these woes may have seeped into your love life.
Good news: Venus is not only direct (forward) now, it stays in Leo until October 8. This should make it markedly easier to plan for the future or get on the same page as a partner. Sparks could fly with someone you meet socially through professional networks, so RSVP “yes” to those back-to-school season industry events and parties.
Strategic alliances are your ticket to success this month as team-spirited Mercury travels in tandem with the radiant Sun through Virgo and your collaborative eleventh house. Of course, Mercury is retrograde until September 15, so you’ll need to exercise caution with technology and communication. By speaking your mind when it’s appropriate and being a team player the rest of the time, you’ll be magnetic in group settings.
If you’re the one assembling a dream team, be picky. Important eyes are on you, and your leadership capabilities will NOT be lost on them! A promising day to blast ahead is September 14, when a new moon lights up this realm and plants seeds for six months of quantum growth. What do you want to accomplish in that time? Stay in touch with those goals and don’t waver!
You’ll get four weeks to recharge your batteries starting September 23, when the Sun dips into Libra and your restful twelfth house. Take some serious “me” time and give yourself permission to do—or not do—whatever your heart desires. Play, dance, meditate, catch up on books and movies and tie up loose ends before Scorpio season starts and life gets extra-busy in four weeks.
On September 29, the Aries new moon in your practical sixth house helps you implement new procedures and streamline your work habits. Cut the fluff and focus on the stuff that really matters. “Organization” may not be the sexist word in your lexicon, but it IS your secret weapon now!
Love Days: 27, 3
Money Days: 11, 21
Luck Days: 9, 19
Off Days: 29, 6, 16
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (a.k.a. The AstroTwins) are’s resident astrologers. They have written several astrology books, including Momstrology and Supercouple, and star as the astrological matchmakers for Prime Video’s Cosmic Love. The Eduts have read charts for celebrities the likes of Beyoncé, Karlie Kloss, and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books, and online courses, check out our horoscopes coverage or visit
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